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Why Choose Us?


Recycle ICT takes security very seriously, with our knowledge and experience we have the ability to securely destruct confidential data and media.

Recycle ICT takes data destruction very seriously and use high security measures to shred or erase data. We remove allec company references and security markings from equipment. In the event that security markings cannot be removed, equipment will automatically be forwarded for disposal.

We use best methods available to totally eradicate ALL data contained on any equipment received by us to UK Government CESG standards.

Preventing data leakage

Nearly every week we hear a large organisation or Government department has had a major security leak. In 2009 it emerged that the personal details of 1 million banking customers were found on a computer which was sold for just £35 on eBay.

Also in 2009 the Government revealed that information on every prisoner in England and Wales had been on an unencrypted memory stick which had been lost by a private sector contractor.

Recycle ict eradicates this problem with our hi tech equipment on site or off site.

Our staff

The staff and management are carefully vetted to British standards agency 7858 to ensure extra safety when recycling all your equipment. We have sia licensed guards that drive to your premises giving you a peace of mind that all your equipment is in safe hands.

After the collection of redundant IT equipment, the equipment is carried safely in our satellite trackable vehicles to our industrial warehouse. Our secure premises have are fully monitored with CCTV on and off site, we have local security company delegated to respond to any out of hours incidents.

The staff and management are carefully vetted to British standards 7858 to ensure extra safety when recycling all your equipment. We have SIA licensed officers that drive to your premises giving you a peace of mind that all your equipment is in

Data protection act 1998

The Data Protection Act requires that all information collected by an organisation be destroyed when the media on which it is stored becomes redundant. Organisations and individuals within organisations have a duty of care obligation to ensure that the confidential data they hold is not released in an unauthorised or accidental way, particularly data relating to employees or customers. This includes storage media such as hard disk drives.

Non-compliance can lead to heavy fines, compensation for individuals whom have suffered unauthorised disclosure of confidential data and brand damaging media exposure